Sleep Your Way To Better Health
Sleep is often seen as a slight mystery. We spend around one third of our lives asleep without really understanding much about what happens to our bodies during this time. But with reports that 30 percent of people are sleep-deprived , and also scientifically proven associations between sleep patterns and health , it is clear that how we sleep can influence our overall well-being. Learning more about an individual’s sleep pattern can provide many insights into their health. On an personal level, we often ask several revealing questions such as: Do you typically sleep 7-9 hours each night? Are you comfortable through the night? Do you usually wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day? Do you fall asleep easily within 30 minutes? Do you typically remain asleep throughout the night? Are you able to clear your mind of any worries before going to bed? Are you free from any night time perspiration? Do you have an evening routine to help wind down before going to...